In case your calendar still says
January (as in January 2013),
we wanted to remind you that Valentine’s Day is coming like a freight train.
Of course, you
still have time to grab some wilted flowers or last year’s candy hearts. (Mmm…
crunchy.) However, there are plenty of high-tech smart
home products to set a romantic mood.
your honey is coming home, don’t tell her you are at home. When she is at the
front of the door, use your smart phone to open the smart
lock , and then open your background music
to tell her to check your home theater room, the IR
motion detector will detect her when he pass the hall, the lights(wireless touch dimmer switch control) can turn
on one by one, and the background music is changing when she passes the
different lights. When she will passing the door of home theater , the IR
motion detects her and all the scene of home theater will open, the lights will
change to soft, and background music will sing the romantic music, then on your
transmitter control)will show your Love Declaration! Of course, it
can be a proposal plan !
you think home is not a romantic place , no problem, you can use these devices
anywhere and anytime in the earth, if you want, you can go to the Antarctic !
Don’t forget to bring the wireless gateway, if
not, you should take responsibility of the result.
you need more, you may email me direct.